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Gamma Rhythm Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Decreases Aβ Accumulation, Enhances Post Synapse Density Protein and Reduces Inflammation Reaction

Updated: Oct 12, 2024


Introduction: The abnormal amyloid b (Ab) accumulation and Ab-related neural network dysfunction are considered central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) at the early stage. Deep brain reachable low field magnetic stimulation (DMS), a novel noninvasive approach that was designed to intervene the network activity in brains, has been found to alleviate stress-related cognitive impairments.

Methods: Amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 transgenic mice (5XFAD) were treated with

DMS, and cognitive behavior and AD-like pathologic changes in the neurochemical and electrophysiological properties in 5XFAD mice were assessed.

Results: We demonstrate that DMS treatment enhances cognitive performances, attenuates Ab load, upregulates postsynaptic density protein 95 level, and promotes hippocampal long-term potentiation in 5XFAD mouse brain. Intriguingly, the gamma burst magnetic stimulation reverses the aberrant gamma oscillations in the transgenic hippocampal network.

Discussion: This work establishes a solid foundation for the effectiveness of DMS in treating AD and proposes a future study of gamma rhythm stimulation on reorganizing rhythmic neural activity in AD brain.

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; Deep-brain reachable low field magnetic stimulation; Treatment; Ab; Gamma oscillations; Animal model


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